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2025 Mar 10 News

Be the hero BraveRO deserves Be the hero BraveRO deserves—drop a quick review on RateMyServer and help us grow! We only need about 10 reviews to be in the all server top 3 and greatly boost our daily registrations. Can we count on you?

2025 Mar 02 News

Hatred PvP Event Greetings, warriors of BraveRO! We’re thrilled to announce our brand-new Hatred PvP Event – an hour-long free-for-all battle arena with anonymity at its core. This special event will run from March 3 until April 6, 2025, and will offer a great opportunity to earn powerful gear and rewards! Event ScheduleDuration: 1 hour Times (Server Time): 08:00, 16:00, and 21:00 every day Event Period: March 2 – April 6, 2025 At these times, the Hatred PvP Arena will open its gates for exactly 1 hour. Don’t miss the chance to join and rack up valuable Token of Hatred! How to Participate Find the Hatred PvP ManagerThe NPC is located in Caspen. Speak to him to learn about the event and sign up. RequirementsYou must have the Hero quest completed (be a “Hero” on your character) to enter. Make sure you have enough room in your inventory to receive your (4) free rental invisible costumes. Agree to the TermsNo Guilds or Parties: If you’re in a party or guild, you’ll need to leave it to enter. Random Name & Appearance: Your name, hairstyle, hair color, cloth color, etc. will be forcibly changed each time you enter. Invisible Costumes: You must wear the special rental invisible costumes at all times inside the arena. Removing them will result in penalties and expulsion for repeat offenders. Death & Rewards: Killing players earns you 3 Hatred Coins per kill. Hero Only: For your own safety and to ensure a fair fight, only Heroes are allowed in the arena. Pets: Are not allowed in the arena. Entering the ArenaOnce the Hatred PvP Manager confirms the event is active, choose “Enter Arena.” The system will verify you’re wearing all invisible costumes, have no active guild/party, and haven’t exceeded the warning limit for removing costumes. Upon approval, you’ll warp into the Hatred PvP Arena (2009rwc_f01) to begin your anonymous battles. Event Mechanics Total AnonymityYour name and appearance will be automatically randomized to something like: Quote:Warlock9384 (if you’re a Warlock) Everyone has the same hair/cloth colors set by the arena, and you cannot distinguish friend from foe. We recommend you use the Stylist's Saved Look Slots to quickly return to your preferred style after the event ends. Invisible Headgear & GarmentSpecial rental costumes (4 pieces) are provided for free and last for 35 days. These costumes must be equipped at all times in the Hatred Arena, hiding your actual headgear and garment sprites. Earning Hatred CoinsTreasure Box Kills: Monsters (a.k.a. “Hatred Boxes”) periodically spawn within the arena. Each box kill grants 1~3 Hatred Coin and can also provide powerful buffs. Player Kills: Scoring a kill in the arena awards 3 Hatred Coins. Spend Your Coins: Use Token of Hatred at the event shop (similar to Bravery Shop) to buy powerful items and exclusive gear. The shop is expected to be implemented by March 7, 2025 and will include brand new equipment. Map RulesNo Warp/Teleport: You cannot teleport or warp out; you must exit using the manager or when the event ends. No Parties or Guilds: It’s strictly free-for-all. Restricted Environment: No loot, no “branch” item usage, and no outside help. This arena is purely about your personal skill. No 3rd Job Skills: These skills have been disabled in this map. Warnings & PenaltiesRemoving the invisible costumes while inside the arena triggers a warning. Accumulate too many warnings, and you’ll be permanently barred from entering on that character. You also risk immediate kick-out if you break the rules, so keep your gear on and respect the event guidelines. Ending & CooldownThe arena remains open for 1 hour at each of the set times. After the hour ends (09:00, 17:00, or 22:00 server time), an announcement will signal the close of the Hatred PvP Event. You can then exit safely. Repeat: This cycle continues daily for the entire event duration until April 6, 2025. Tips & Advice Prepare Your InventoryBe sure to clear enough space so you can accept the 4 rental costume pieces. Stay Alert!With everyone’s name and appearance hidden, you can’t rely on alliances or reputations. Keep your wits about you. Strategize for BuffsHunt the Hatred Treasure Boxes scattered across the map. They drop Hatred Coins and grant short but powerful buffs. Watch the WarningsAlways keep your invisible costumes on – removing them can quickly lead to a ban from the arena. The Hatred PvP Event offers a thrilling twist on ordinary PvP by stripping away all alliances, fame, and appearances. Whether you’re a veteran or a newcomer, this is your chance to test your raw skill without any outside factors. Earn Hatred Coins, claim powerful buffs from the Hatred Boxes, and, most importantly, enjoy pure and unpredictable PvP mayhem! Mark your calendars and prepare for the battle of your life. If you have any questions, feel free to post them below or ask the Hatred PvP Manager in-game. We look forward to seeing you in the Hatred Arena! Good luck, and may the best fighter triumph!

2025 Feb 10 News

Premium Fishing Packages These Premium Fishing Packages are intended to jump start your fishing career. Some of the items contained in these packages are extremely rare and will drastically optimize your fishing experience! If interested, you can purchase these Premium Fishing Packages at the BraveRO Market (@go market) in the [Donation] Misc Shop using Donation Credits. For information on how to donate, you may visit this page: 32050 - Premium Fishing Beginner Package1x Wishmaker EX 1x Plateau Adventure Vest 1x [Fishing] Summer Pool 1x [Fishing] Juanderer Hat 15x Pure Stamina Potion 5x Leviathan Potion 5x Ambergris Potion 5x Sea Magnet Potion 5x Sand Crab Potion 5x Beast Potion 5x Poseidon Blessing Potion 1x Diamond Fishing Package 1x Diamond Fishing License (30 days) - 1,500x [Bait] Fresh Lobster - 10x Pure Stamina Potion - 100x [Attractant] Mermaid Milk - 10x Blood Branch Coral - 1x Fetch + 1 - 1x Loot Rate + 1 32051 - Premium Fishing Adept Package1x Expert Prayer for Big Fish EX 1x Sitting Aquarium EX 1x [Fishing] Azure Sedora Fishing Hat EX 1x Poseidon Fishing Gloves 1x Wishmaker Vest EX 1x Wishmaker Boots EX 30x Pure Stamina Potion 15x Leviathan Potion 15x Ambergris Potion 15x Sea Magnet Potion 15x Sand Crab Potion 15x Beast Potion 15x Poseidon Blessing Potion 1x Diamond Fishing Package - 1x Diamond Fishing License (30 days) - 1,500x [Bait] Fresh Lobster - 10x Pure Stamina Potion - 100x [Attractant] Mermaid Milk - 10x Blood Branch Coral - 1x Fetch + 1 - 1x Loot Rate + 1 32052 - Premium Fishing Expert Package1x Aetherline Hook 1x Fishing Master Coat 1x Poseidon Fishing Glove EX 1x [Fishing] Divine Dragon Fetcher Hat 3x Fishing Master Proof 2x Fishing Coupon (Exchange for available Fishing Headgear of choice) 1x Mythical Pet Coupon (Exchange for available Mythical pet of choice) 20x [Super Food] Poring Kombucha 25x Leviathan Potion 25x Ambergris Potion 25x Sea Magnet Potion 25x Sand Crab Potion 25x Beast Potion 25x Poseidon Blessing Potion

2025 Feb 10 News

New Elite Dungeon Card Suggestions Hey guys! We're gonna implement a new dungeon! The tentative name of this new is: Elite Dungeon - Call and Scream for Daddy Mode :3 Details for this new dungeon will be made available in the near future. This suggestion thread will be open from February 10, 2025 up to February 22, 2025.  However, before you can all experience this exciting new dungeon, we'd like to hear your suggestions for new cards!Post your suggestions in this forum thread. You can suggest as many cards available below or as few as you like. For example, you're free to only suggest a Paladin Card, or you can make a suggestion for all seven cards. Make sure to specify the name, effect, card slot (headgear, armor, weapon, shield, garment, shoes, or accessory). Make sure to follow the suggestion format below for ease of reading and consolidating your suggestions. You can suggest any effect that you like! However, in the end, we will still have to balance, adjust, or completely overhaul an effect to make it at least more balanced. Here are the new cards that will be implemented. You have to add a prefix or suffix of your choice to these card names. SUGGESTION FORMAT CARD NAME - CARD EFFECT - CARD PLACEMENT - SAMPLE SUGGESTION CARD NAME - Divine Paladin Card CARD EFFECT - Increase Max HP by 30,000 - Increase Sacrifice damage by 5% - Increase Cannon Spear damage by 5% - Unstackable If weapon refine is +10 - Autocast Guard when receiving attacks - Increase Range by +3 CARD PLACEMENT - Weapon

2025 Feb 07 News

[Phase 3] Hearts & Harvest Revelry - Valentines Event 2025 EVENT DURATION: February 7, 2025 - March 14, 2025 The season of love has arrived in Brave RO! Cupid's arrows have struck the land, bringing romance, adventure, and sweet rewards for all.  Starts on February 7, 2025. The Valentine’s Event begins with ingredient gathering and intimacy food crafting! You can start collecting ingredients now and craft them later to gift to select NPCs when Phase 2 of this seasonal event begins. ♥INTIMACY FOODS There are four Intimacy Foods that can be crafted via the Master Cherf NPC in caspen 170 215. Each food will require various ingredients to make Each food item has special effects when consumed by players. However, it's up to you whether to to gift them to NPCs in Phase 2 or keep them for your personal use! Take note that these foods cannot be made using the "Freestyle Cooking System" at this time. ♥ Box of Chocolates ♥ - Increase fishing Fetch by 5 for 6 hours - Can be gifted to NPCs to gain some intimacy - Ingredients:1x Cow Milk 1x White Chocolate 1x Dark Chocolate 1x Turkey Egg 25x Cupid's Arrow of Love ♥ Eggnog ♥ - Increase your fishing Defense Ignore by 10 for 3 hours - Can be gifted to NPCs to gain some intimacy - Ingredients:2x Cow Milk 4x White Chocolate 1x Turkey Egg 50x Glacial Heart (obtained from Ice Titan) 50x Cupid's Arrow of Love ♥ Meat Sandwich ♥ -  Increase your fishing Mythical Attraction by 2 for 3 hours - Can be gifted to NPCs to gain some intimacy -Ingredients:1x Monster Meat (obtained from Fishing) 1x Aromatic Wood (obtained from Fishing) 1x Turkey Egg 1x Cow Milk 50x Cupid's Arrow of Love ♥ Mulled Wine ♥ - Increase your fishing Midnight Attraction by 1 for 6 hours - Can be gifted to NPCs to gain some intimacy - Ingredients:1x Cow Milk 1x White Chocolate 1x Dark Chocolate 1x Culinary Fruit (obtained from Fishing) 25x Cupid's Arrow of Love ♥OBTAINING INGREDIENTS Ingredients can be collected through various methods:Turkey Egg – You can get 5x eggs from Attendance NPC every server day. You can also acquire them by winning automated events. Drops at a low rate from instance mobs. Also drops from instance bosses. Cow Milk – Obtained by feeding the cow in caspen 174 211 every 30 minutes. The Cow will only eat Seaweed, which is found in Fishing. White Chocolate – Dropped by monsters in Caspen Dungeon and Bossnia at a low rate. Drops at a low rate from instance mobs. Also drops from instance bosses. Dark Chocolate – A rare item, only obtainable from Battlegrounds. Other ingredients – Can be obtained through fishing. Cupid's Arrow of Love - Added 5% chance to get cupid arrow when killing monsters in Bossnia and Caspen Dungeon. Take note that this is script-based, thus isn't affected by drop rate boosters such as Bubblegum, and Fortuna Card. You can also acquire various ingredients, as well as the seasonal currency, Cupid's Arrow of Love, by doing and participating in various regular sever features: Show Content Spoiler BATTLEGROUNDS Simply type in Towns or inside the BG Lobby ( bg) Additional Info on BG Rounds: Battlegrounds Wiki Info Win5% chance to get Dark Chocolate 10% chance to get Turkey Egg Additional chance to get extra drop rewards (including Alecsander, Cassandra, and Velvet Valentine Letter) 20% chance to get Seasonal Festival Ticket Lose1% chance to get Dark Chocolate 3% chance to get Turkey Egg Additional chance to get extra drop rewards DAILY QUEST Daily Quest NPC is found at caspen 184 183 Additional Info: Daily Quest Wiki Info250x Cupid's Arrow of Love 2x Turkey Egg 1x Paragon Ticket WIN 500 PVP Additional Info: 500 PvP Event Wiki Info200x Cupid's Arrow of Love 5x White Chocolate 5x Dark Chocolate FINISH ZEPH HUNTING MISSIONS The Zeph NPC is found in casp_auct02 43 27 Additional Info: Zeph Hunt Wiki Info(Mission level/3)x Cupid's Arrow of Love WIN GOBLIN INVASION Additional Info: Goblin Invasion Wiki Info150x Cupid's Arrow of Love 3x Turkey Egg 1x Paragon Ticket WIN SURVIVAL EVENT Additional Info: Survival Event Wiki Info250x Cupid's Arrow of Love 5x Turkey Egg 1 x Paragon Ticket WIN DICE EVENT Additional Info: Dice Event Wiki Info350x Cupid's Arrow of Love 5x Turkey Egg 1x Paragon Ticket WIN PORING CATCHER Additional Info: Poring Catcher Wiki Info250x Cupid's Arrow of Love 5x Turkey Egg 1x Paragon Ticket COMPLETE SCAVENGER HUNT You can submit your Scavenger Hunt in casp_in01 49 189 Additional Info: Scavenger Hunt Wiki Info50x Cupid's Arrow of Love 1x Turkey Egg TREASURE BOX HUNT This happens every 30 minutes. Hit the correct boxes to get rewards.25x Cupid's Arrow of Love 1x White Chocolate ♥ATTENDANCE NPC You can sign up once every server day! Attendance will reset every 00:00 server time. You can also acquire 5x Turkey Eggs per attendance. ♥ BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE HEADGEARS For winning a Battlegrounds round, there's a 0.5% chance to get the Alecsander and/or Cassandra upper headgears! ♥ Alecsander - Reduces damage received from Demi-Humans by 35% - ATK/MATK +5% ♥ Cassandra - Reduces damage received from Demi-Humans by 35% - ATK/MATK +5% ♥ INGREDIENT SHOP If you have some spare Cupid's Arrow of Love, you can use them to purchase ingredients. You can find this shop in caspen 166 209. Start Date: February 14, 2025, server time. ♥INTIMACY NPCS Valentine NPCs have been released. Each of these NPCs will accept all food items that you can craft starting Phase 1 of this event. However, each NPC will prefer certain food items over others. The ones they like the best will give 1000 intimacy points. Spica - found in caspen 167 221. Per intimacy level, she will reward you with various items plus a Nerius Family Treasure Chest. Once per server day, you can talk to Spica. If you choose the answer that she might like the best, you will be rewarded with 500 intimacy points. If you fail to set her heart aflutter, you'll only get 250 intimacy points. Crux - found in caspen 170 221. Per intimacy level, he will reward you with various items. He will also reward you with Nerius Family Glorious Badge at certain intimacy levels. Additionally, you can join Battlegrounds to earn  additional intimacy points for Crux. Winning gives 200 points, while losing gives 100 points, with a max cap of 5000 points per day. Skia - found in caspen 174 221. You can only talk to her starting around the middle of Phase 2. If you make her happy with Eggnogs, she will give you a Nerius Family Treasure Key. This key is used to open the Nerius Family Treasure Chest. ♥TASKBOARD You can exchange certain items for other seasonal event items or other goodies. You can find the Taskboard in caspen 177 219.Hourly Refresh: Every hour (e.g., 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 server time), you’ll receive 10 random tasks on the Delivery Taskboard. Material Requests: Tasks will require specific materials, and completing them gives you a chance to earn rare rewards alongside more common ones. No Pressure: You don’t need to complete all tasks! If something’s not to your liking, just wait for the next cycle to get a fresh batch of tasks. Account Bound: The Taskboard is bound to your Gepard ID, device ID, or account, ensuring personalized progress. ♥ INTIMACY REWARDS LIST You can view the obtainable intimacy rewards from Spica and Crux via the NPC in caspen 163 222. Start Date: February 28, 2025, server time ♥Spica & Crux Intimacy Rewards Expanded! Rewards have been added for Intimacy Levels 101-200! Since this is a mini-event, reaching Lv. 150 is enough to claim most of the best rewards. ♥Eggnog Exchange with Skia! Skia now accepts Eggnog in exchange for her Nerius Family Key! The number of Eggnogs you can exchange depends on your intimacy level with her twin sister, Spica. ♥Unlock the Nerius Treasure! The Nerius Treasure Box (obtained from Spica) can now be opened using the Nerius Treasure Key (obtained from Skia). ♥New Valentine Headgear Shop! A mix of new and returning Vanilla headgears has been added—check out the latest styles in caspen 163 211! ♥Vanilla Enchanter NPC Added! Enchant your Vanilla gear with new possibilities in caspen 174 207! ♥Intimacy Rewards Exclusive Items • New Vanilla Set: Guardian of the Dead • New Exclusive Pet: Liliana  • New Variant Rare: Frost Sword Heart Susanoo ♥Updated Delivery Taskboard Adjustments have been made to exchange rates—check the latest offers! ♥Increased BG rewards Slightly adjusted BG rewards chances/rates. 5x rate to get Eggnog in BG. Also added +50 more EXP in Battlegrounds for crux intimacy. ♥ The Break Up Event! ♥ The Event Finale will be held on March 14, 2025 at around 07:00 server time. The Event Finale will feature the release of rare headgears, as well as the Raffle NPC. Game Masters (GM) will also hold various special in-game events. Winners of these events will win prizes! Since the Finale marks the end of the event, when the Event Finale begins, a bunch of stuff may be disabled which may include but not limited to the following:Event monsters inside will no longer drop items. Raid Bosses will be disabled Disable earning of Tokens and other event currencies/items from features. Additionally, starting March 15, 2025, some or all event NPCs will be removed or slowly removed over time. ♥DONATION CREDIT ITEMS We offer event items via the Donation Girl NPC for those who have limited time or are unable to farm as much as they'd like. Item ID, Item Name, Price:25528, Valentine HG Bag, 9 credits 26801, Donation Token, 1 credit 31879, Seasonal Festival Ticket, 0.75 credits 27999, Valentine Gear Box, 9 credits 32036, Valentines Chocolate, 3 credits 32037, Eggnog, 2 credits 32038, Meat Sandwich, 1.5 credits 32039, Mulled Wine, 3 credits 22447, Valentines Set, 125 credits Donation and Raffle Wings Ascension Wings - 50 credits  | Lotus Dream Wings - 50 credits | Red Alert Shield - 50 Credits    Valentine Set - 100 credits Raffle Ticket - 1 credit Various giftcodes might be posted from time to time in BraveRO's Discord Server, under the Giftcodes channel. You can use these giftcodes by talking to the Gift Code NPC in Caspen [caspen 179 188]. Codes may contain various items and goodies that may be usable during this event. Don't wait too long though since the codes have limited stocks, thus it's a first come, first served basis. You can also join Discord Raffle Events for a chance win various prizes. If you're still new, you can ask for help in the appropriate channel in the Discord Server. Admins, GMs, SPs, and other seasoned players may be able to assist you. If you haven't joined the BraveRO Discord Server yet, simply use this invite link: To any new player reading this: As you've noticed, the event is "separated" by Phases. If you're thinking that you can't avail or participate in certain stuff if you happen to start in Phase 2 or beyond, worry not! This only means that with each new Phase, additional features and items will be implemented. For example, if you see that the title of the thread is already at Phase 3, you can still do and participate on the events that are indicated in Phase 1 and 2, as long as there's still ample time to do them, or the conditions for participation are still applicable. This also applies to any and all future seasonal events, unless otherwise specified.

Awaits You!

Dive into BraveRO, a high-rate Ragnarok Online private server where balance meets thrill. Engage in our epic Heroic Storyline Quests, conquer challenging new instances, and dominate in exhilarating Battlegrounds. With a vast array of headgear, skin colors and cloth palettes to personalize your character, BraveRO caters to every playstyle - whether you are a PvP enthusiast or PvM aficionado. Let our unique features convice you to join us at BraveRO, your new home awaits! Read more...

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Join the BraveRO community where adventure and camaraderie await! Dive into our forum to share tips, strategies, and forge friendships with fellow adventurers. For real-time banter, updates, and a place to call your guild home, hop onto our Discord server. Be part of a thriving community of heroes where your voice matters and your presence is valued. Engage, discuss, and enhance your BraveRO experience. Connect with us today, your guildmates are waiting!


Castle Owners

War of Emperium

30 Day PvP Rankings

Rank Player Name Kills K/D Ratio
1 `Rush. 1207 1.5696
2 � �heoS `���r ` � 1145 1.4171
3 Traumerei. 1123 8.5725
4 Viiiid 1104 2.1395
5 Kez. 1075 5.7487
6 Adamante. 978 3.2819
7 Santino. 969 3.3881
8 Liberator. 913 5.0165
9 Ruinous. 907 0.5578
10 Sprite Soda 888 0.9590

Player Reviews